====== Server Commands ====== ===== Voting and Rewards ===== > !votelink > Opens the server's vote link in a browser > !reward > Provides you with some random ingots and a set of T2 tools if you have voted for the server today > !votes > Checks how many votes you have ===== Economy ===== > !sellship [Price in credits] > Puts the ship that you are currently looking at up for sale > !buyship > buys the ship that you are currently looking at if it is for sale > !pay [player name] [amount of credits] > Pays x amount of credits to y player Please note that "!econ top" and "!econ check" are not authorized as commands for players. We took other measures to make sure there are repercussions if a player uses either of them. We strongly recommend not to use them! ===== Quantum Hangar ===== > !hangar save or !h save > Attempts to save grid you are looking at > !hangar load [Name or ID number] or !h load [Name or ID number] > Attempts to load specified grid > !hangar list or !h list > Lists all active ships and their PCU values that are in your hangar > !hangar info [Name or ID number] or !h info [Name or ID number] > Provides info about the grid in your hangar > !hangar remove [Name or ID Number] or !h remove [Name or ID Number] > Will completely delete a grid in your hangar. Warning! This is not reversible and does not refund any components. > !fh > Will do the same as the !hangar commands, but instead with a separate 2 slots, shared with your faction. ===== Grid commands ===== > !convert > Convert to / from station if player or faction owns the grid (needs to be shared with faction if you do not own it!) > !tiers > Show faction ship limits >!blocklimit mylimit > Show block limit >!gridtype > Shows information about the grid and its subgrids you're looking at ===== Bug Fixing ===== > !fixme > Can fix the missing character bug on loading into server / respawning > !fixship > Repastes your ship - can fix the dampener bug > !moleman > Can bring your rover back up to the surface after falling through the planet. DO NOT USE IT WITH LARGE GRID; AND ALWAYS TAKE A BP FIRST! ===== In-game chat ===== > /g > Global Chat > /​​/ > OOC, toggle action that means all future messages will be OOC and visible by all > /f > Faction > /l > Local, range of approximately 200m > /w "some name" > Whisper to single person, supports tab completion > /fb > Faction broadcast > /ft [Faction tag] > Faction to faction message > /ec > Emotive chat > !setname "My New Name" > Sets your RP name. Your name will afterwards be shown as "(SteamName) My New Name" > !resetname > Clears your name and returns it back to default ===== Misc ===== > !togglestone > Tiny elves take the stone away (put !stone in drill name for non player owned or to not have to toggle) > !motd > Show the server message of the day > !entities refresh > Resyncs all entities for the player running the command > /wc changehud > Weaponcore hud size and position mode > !claim > Claims all FatBlocks (functional blocks) of a ship already owned by your faction. Will put everything to no share! > !claimall > Same as !claim, but includes ThinBlocks (armor blocks and similar blocks) as well. Will put everything to no share! > /suit > Will bring up a suit customization menu