==== Welcome to GURP, Glen's Utopian Role-Play ! ==== Don't ask about the name. It's a running meme. This server is a roleplay community around Space Engineers including elements like PvP, PvE, player-driven and admin-driven stories. Anyone is free to do as they wish in terms of both roleplay and gameplay, as long as they're following the rules and using their common sense. As a new player some of these bigger Discords with a lot going on can be a bit daunting so hopefully this will help get you on your feet ready to go. If you have any question, please feel free to ask the community in [[https://discord.com/channels/998026253246414938/998050052167716954|#general-chat]] or to ping an admin directly. We are more than willing and happy to help. ==== Overview ==== Here's what we advise you to check out first : ⁠[[oldlore:avalon|Lore of Avalon]] to get a grasp of the lore, no need to read the whole thing if you're not willing to, there's a summary at the top ⁠[[gurp-encyclopedia]] to keep up-to-date with major events that happened in the past ⁠[[rules ]] to ... Well make sure you're not breaking any ⁠[[block-limits]] to get accustomed with the ship tiers system and the restrictions in place ⁠[[]] finally, to know how to connect to the server