====== Server Limits ====== ===== Block Limits ===== Our server has unfortunately had to impose some limits on the maximum number of specific blocks, either per player, per grid or per faction. You will find below these limits. ===Block Tools=== * Drills: 10 - 2x Increased Radius - per grid\\ * Welders: 15 - Upgraded MNRI Block Available - per grid\\ * Grinders: 20 - per grid\\ * Build and Repairs: 2 - per player \\ \\ ===SubGrids Blocks=== * Hinges: 10 - per player\\ * Pistons: 10 - per player\\ * Rotors/Advanced Rotors: 10 - per player\\ \\ ===Miscellaneous=== * Programmable Blocks: 4 per player\\ * Radar: 1 per player - 3 Per Faction\\ * Jump Inhibitors: 3 - 3 Per Faction\\ * Warheads: - 100 Per Faction\\ * Automatons blocks: 2 Small Grid drones are permitted per player.\\ A grid that can navigate without being directly controlled by a player is considered a 'drone'. \\ RDAV missiles are not considered drones.\\ Limited use of event controllers for non-drone purposes are permitted on other grids.\\ \\ ===== Grid Limits===== ===Industrial Blocks=== Production Blocks(Refineries&Assemblers Combined): 20\\ H2/O2 Generators: 14 - 3x Increased Efficiency\\ Solar panels: 100\\ \\ ===Player Limits=== Refinieries: 12\\ Assemblers: 12\\ H2/O2 Generators: 7 - 3x Increased Efficiency\\ PCU Limit Per Grid: 65000\\ \\ ===Miscellaneous=== Warheads: 50 Per Grid\\ \\ ===== Points per weapon ===== ===[Small grid]=== ==Fixed:== * Missile (single use): 2 * Missile (Reloadable): 3 * Gatling: 4 * Auto: 5 * Assault: 6 * Railgun: 4 ==Turrets:== * Missile: 2 * Gatling: 5 * Auto: 6 * Assault: 5 **Small Grids must NOT have large grid weapons attached.** \\ \\ ===[Large grid]=== ==Fixed:== * Missile: 5 * Artillery: 8 * Railgun: 8 ==Turret:== * Interior: 1 * Gatling: 5 * PDCs: 5 * Missile: 4 * Assault: 7 * Artillery: 16 * VXM Missile System: 14 * Torpedo Turret: 32 ===== Tier limits ===== ===[Small grid]=== Tier 1: Small Grid [Max 15] - 0>250 blocks, 35 Points\\ Tier 2: Small Grid [Max 10] - 251>500 blocks, 50 Points\\ Tier 3: Small Grid [Max 8] - 501>1000 blocks, 70 Points\\ Tier 4: Small Grid [Max 5] - 1001>1500 blocks, 90 Points\\ \\ ===[Large grid]=== Tier 1: Large Grid [Max 10] - sub 1,250 Blocks, 85 Points \\ Tier 2: Large Grid [Max 8] - 1,251 to 2,000 Blocks, 120 Points \\ Tier 3: Large Grid [Max 6] - 2,001 to 3,000 Blocks, 160 Points\\ Tier 4: Large Grid [Max 2] - 3,001 to 6,000 Blocks, 250 Points \\ \\ ===[Stations]=== **Standard Base**: 500 Points, 15000 blocks max - No Gyros Allowed. Stations are defined by no gyroscope usage. \\ **FOB**: 700 points - (1 per faction) - No Gyros Allowed. Stations are defined by no gyroscope usage. \\ **Jumpable Stations**: Up to 10000 blocks - No Gyros Allowed. Stations are defined by no gyroscope usage. \\ Station Points includes surrounding defensive grids. This is to stop spamming of defensive installations.\\ \\ ===[Additional Notes]=== * Ship Limitations are per faction, not per player. \\ \\