======Lore Appendices====== ===== Season 2 ===== ==== Study of the old machine ==== ===[Study of the Old Machine - Log #01]=== ++++ [expand]| > Ahem... I wanted to be a little more solemn in inaugurating the first log of the study of this impressive discovery, but I've recorded this three times already, and I honestly don't care anymore. Out with the important stuff: Luis Alejandrowic, interim research lead of the crew of the Colony Ship Sunnyhome. Or... well, what's left of it, really. We arrived in this system in date 03.10.2179 when our sensors detected a new element. To research it, we headed towards this system, however a mysterious subspace disruption separated the crew. My group is the one that was on the bridge at the moment of the incident. Under the command of captain Martin Falk, we have set up a temporary base in the system's green nebula. In there, we've accidentally stumbled on an unprecedented find: an enormous artificial structure in a spherical shape. It appears to be inert and gravely damaged, with a giant hole in its side from which we've been able to glean a look at its hollow interior. Curiously, its walls are lined with what looks like cryogenic pods. They're empty and without power, yet appear to be far more advanced and complex than anything I've ever seen in my life. I'm sure chief researcher Yoshida would've loved to see this. Anyway, we're going to study this machine. It likely holds many secrets that could help us figure out something about this mysterious star system. I'll keep this log updated with any new finds but for now, Alejandrowic out. ++++ ===[Study of the Old Machine - Log #04]=== ++++ [expand]| > Bonadan told me they managed to find another group of refugees. This place is more inhabited than we thought. I've already asked for any of them skilled with electronics or archaeology to be assigned to my group - this might be the most important work a human has ever done. Anyway, back on the relevant subject: the spectrographic analysis of the dust surrounding the machine has just finished, and it seems it might be helping us shed some light on the nature of the material it's made of. It's... something we have never seen before. It's some kind of alloy, clearly, because the spectral patterns don't match a single element, yet they don't match the pattern of any known element. If it's something completely novel and unknown, it might explain why our attempts at traditional chemical analysis have failed - and why it's seemingly impossible to break, even to get a small chip off of it. It seems like we'll have to leave material analysis for a little more, so the electromagnetic patterns will probably be next. ++++ === [Study of the Old Machine - Log #05] === ++++ [expand] | > Progress with the machine is glacially slow. It seems like chemical and physical analysis methods will have to be phased out. There's only so many times I can hear "the readings are off the scales" before it all starts blurring together. As expected, the dust covering the machine is a thick coat of various cosmic dust materials, as expected of something that sat inside a nebula for so long. However, aside from all the expected stuff like ice, polycyclic hydrocarbons and silicates, there's also something that wasn't expected: traces of an element unique to this system which we've dubbed Trinium. It might be the secret behind the impossible resilience of this thing's outer shell, since there was an extremely small amount. Even titanium would've been ground to dust by all the micrometeoroid impacts and constant radiations and chemical oxidation that no doubt occurred in the abyss of time this thing has sat here. Which prompts a really disturbing question: what the hell was capable of blowing *that* big a hole in it, then...? ++++ === [Study of the Old Machine - Log #09]=== ++++ [expand]| > IT SPOKE! Granted, in a language we don't yet understand but ... Well, it did! Initially, we thought these soundwaves were only mechanical noises, of things grinding with each other, but it wasn't! IT WAS EFFING TALKING THIS WHOLE TIME! That ... That changes so many things! And we even figured out how to somehow change the encoding to something clearer to the human ear. Bunch of "O" sounds, like some kind of bad lyrical music. That, or singing Tibetan monks from the old Earth, to quote one of the interns. How can something so old, and seemingly unpowered at that, still be somewhat working? It's like these machines are ... alive, somehow? Especially since it's so old. We decided to allocate most of our resources to study its language. With a bit of luck, it might be able to understand us, or even better : to give us answers. Imagine that - we'd be talking with a machine holding data dating from far before the Symbiotes even existed. And perhaps they could give us the information we're all craving: why aren't the Symbiotes following us here? ++++ ===[Study of the Old Machine - Log #10]=== ++++ [expand]| > Spoke too soon, I guess. Yesterday's enthusiasm got extinguished pretty quickly when analysis of the signal coming from the machine revealed some kind of repeating pattern in its transmission - it might be a prerecorded message of some kind, possibly by some kind of hidden transmitter we can't detect. Or at least, that's Bukharin's opinion. Frankly, I understand his perspective - he's an engineer, a practical man who doesn't have time for this kind of flights of fancy. But there's too many things that don't add up. The repeating patterns don't make up the majority of the message, for starters. If it were prerecorded, you wouldn't expect it to be so long, and the repeating pattern would be much clearer. I still believe it's possible to establish contact with this machine. Even if it's not some kind of true AI, it could still be able to hold a conversation of some kind. My request to get our linguists to work on this has gotten the Captain's greenlight. Updates will follow, hopefully. ++++ ===[Study of the Old Machine - Log #15]=== ++++ [expand]| > I... I saw something under the glass of the machine's cryopods. They were empty, I'm sure of that. We looked inside every one of them. Something must've changed after I tried inputting frequencies similar to the ones of the machine's transmission into the base's radio system. I got a transmission I'd never gotten before, as if this thing was actually talking. But **what the hell is it saying?** I really am going crazy trying to figure this out. Maybe it's best if we stopped now before it's too late, but the captain insists - he says... says this is the solution he's been looking for, and he's willing to risk it alongside us. ++++ ===[Study of the Old Machine - Log #16]=== ++++ [expand] | > This stupid hunk of metal is mocking me, I'm sure of it. It's gone back to its old predictable transmissions now. And I STILL can't figure out what they mean! I've tried new inputs but it appears to be stuck. What the fuck am I missing? Palmer wanted to go back to check on the cryopods, to see if I'd just hallucinated something inside. What a stupid idea. Those pods are a waste of time. The key is in the transmissions. It HAS to be! ++++ ===[Study of the Old Machine - Log #17]=== ++++ [expand] | > I'm sure of it now, I'm slowly becoming crazy. I did so since I learned their language, and it got worse after I taught the others. Why ? And how ? How can words, even in a strange language, fuck with your mind this much ? The worst thing is that most people seem to still be working together even if they're acting strange, sometimes even psychotic, they're just ... It's like everyone that they don't know is nothing to them anymore. Captain Falk is even more affected than the others. The other day he asked me if we could clone him. Out of the blue, like that. What the fuck. What's happening to us ? What are we becoming? ++++ ===[Study of the Old Machine - Log #18]=== ++++ [expand] | > I... I've figured it out. Klang help us all, I've figured it out. I wish I hadn't, but I did. I went back inside the cursed machine, and looked in the pod. Something was in there, something human... why, why? I know what this thing is. What I don't know is... why? What have we done to deserve this? What unpardonable sin have we committed to be condemned to this limbo? I looked outside. The stars are out. The nebular gases get in my suit, I tried to get a coffee. It was all green. We're the last star in the universe. We're dead, and this must be the afterlife. The captain gave me the order to talk to the machine again. I did. It answered. And then... the pods opened. I saw myself staring back from those pods, times a thousand. ++++ ===[Study of the Old Machine - Log #19]=== ++++ [expand] | //The log seems corrupted. All you hear is strange metallic noises and static. If you pay closer attention, you can hear what sounds like a disturbing, distorted laugh in the background at some intervals, then more metallic noises.// ++++ ===[Study of the Old Machine - Log #20]=== ++++ [expand] | //A new voice replaces the previous one. The familiar one of Captain Middle-Finger// > Look over the horizon, what do you see? A far away comet lights up the dark with fire of gold and blood-red. Ice seeps into your veins. A green blot is the festering wound in the Milky Way's hollow shell. The skin of the sun. It will eat the skin of the sun, and then be born anew. We will all be born anew. A bright sapphir'd light guides the way, like a lighthouse to the weary mariner, guiding him to perdition into the abyss of the sea. Land and water, sky and space, exchange of place. The end of the Chain is Horizon's beginning. Horizon's beginning... ++++ ===== Season 3 ===== ==== The Alliances ==== ++++ [expand] | {{:lore:damemp.png|test}} {{:lore:solrep.png|test}} ++++ ==== The end of the Alliances ==== === Message from Damascus === ++++ [expand] | Today, we stand as the victors in the face of tyranny, as the architects of our own destiny, and as the avengers of a thousand injustices suffered under the heel of the Damascan Empire! The fall of that oppressive regime, the empire born in the Damascus system, is a testament to the indomitable spirit of a people pushed too far, the spirit of those who refused to kneel any longer! The Empress, and all her lords who feasted while we starved, who reveled in their opulence while we toiled and suffered, are no more. They have met their just fate, cast down by the hands of the very people they oppressed. We have decimated their power, reduced their grand palaces to rubble, and shattered their illusions of invincibility! The Damascan Empire, once a symbol of unbridled greed and cruelty, now lies in ruins, a testament to the might of the oppressed when they rise as one. Our revolt was not just a moment of chaos; it was a calculated strike against the heart of tyranny, a blow that reverberated through the cosmos! Today, we mark the end of the Damascan Empire, and we herald the dawn of a new era—a future where power belongs to the people, where justice prevails over oppression, and where the spirit of revolution lives on, inspiring others to rise against the chains of tyranny. You, the people, have been lied to. A lie meant to control the masses with both fear and hope. A lie called ATK-07. There is no ATK-07, and our riches will no more be sent to wherever the nobles kept their golden castles. Let the fall of the Damascan Empire serve as a warning to all who would seek to exploit and subjugate the masses. We, the people, will never bow before the oppressor's yoke, and we shall always rise, united and unyielding, against those who dare to oppress us! Long live the revolution! Long live the free and united people of Damascus! Vik Shal, Leader of the Revolution [Communication closes permanently] ++++ === Recorded audio message from SOLREP HQ === ++++ [expand] | Today, I stand before you to address a somber event in the history of our galaxy - the collapse of the Solar Republic. It is a moment that serves as a stark reminder of the complexities and challenges that can arise when civilizations extend their reach beyond the confines of a single system. The notion of a space republic was a testament to our boundless human potential and our desire to explore, discover, and more importantly to put an end to the Symbiote threat. It was a bold experiment, an attempt to unite diverse peoples and cultures under a common banner, fostering cooperation in the boundless expanse of the cosmos. However, as we have witnessed, such grand aspirations are not immune to the same frailties and conflicts that have plagued societies throughout history. This collapse is a poignant example of how the weight of governance, the struggle for resources, and the inevitable differences in values and beliefs can fracture even the noblest of endeavors. After the election of Bartholomew Hubskutchs, the Republic collapsed into faction infighting for power, while the Damascan population was left with nothing but despair. In the darkness of this collapse, we must find the strength to envision a brighter future, one where the lessons of the past guide us toward a more peaceful and prosperous coexistence in the vast tapestry of the universe. Yet ... All of this cannot become a reality unless you, fighters of ATK-07, behead our enemy and put an end to the Symbiotes. Bear in mind this means you have, for the foreseeable future, no easy way of going back to Damascus. You are now our only hope. I will leave this task into your hands, because I believe in what I saw. I believe in a future where factions are able to cooperate. But I ... I am tired of fighting. It was an honor fighting by your side. Thank you. For everything. Elise Hurlevent *Sound of a gunshot* ++++ ==== Studies of the Symbiotes ==== === Logs from an old and forgotten laboratory === ++++ [expand] | > Datapad #4 > Log. The shadows are long, and our hope is dim. The Symbiotes have spread their corruption, their influence seeping into every crevice, every metallic vein of this station, every cable. Time's become a distorted mirror, days melting into nights, weeks into mere blinks of cosmic horror. The engineers, our dear colleagues, have become nothing more than grotesque statues, their forms distorted by the insidious grip of the Symbiotes. The rich purple hue of their bodies bears testimony to the relentless invasion. It's a chilling sight to behold, a grim reminder of the unseen enemy within our walls. And yet, I'm afraid it will not stop there. > Datapad #5 > We’ve been burning the infected areas, but it's like trying to hold back an ocean with a sieve. The Symbiotes are drawn to energy like moths to a flame. The reactors... they are a feast for these invaders, a source of their uncontrolled multiplication. We discovered another log from a Scorpion class ship. Their struggle mirrored our own. The desperation, the loss of identity, it was all too familiar. It's a haunting read, 'Do not approach their ships, do not approach the pink planet and do not under any circumstances let them near reactors.' The echo of their plea is a constant reminder of our shared fate. The humanoid figures they glimpsed, could they be our predecessors? Fallen to the Symbiotes, their wills usurped, bodies mutated into hideous mockeries of their former selves. It is a fate we fear, a future we dread. > Datapad #6 > Our struggle feels like a losing battle. But we persist. The very humanity within us rebels against the idea of submission, of surrender. We are the last bastion against this cosmic terror. The data, the research, all our efforts must be preserved, must be passed on. We have to. For it is our duty. If anyone finds this... heed our warnings. Keep away from the reactors, burn all potential infestations, and avoid the pink planet at all costs. Remember us, not as victims, but as fighters, as scholars of the cosmic unknown. This is Research Facility Zeta-5... refusing to go quietly into the night." End Log Entry. > Cpl. 'Jaxon Tryst' Final Data Log > They allow us to write in this as our only means of... sanity.. our only means of voicing our thoughts as they use us. The presence of this ship makes us weaker... makes us.. unable to think rationally. I can feel something crawling around me at all times and can never shake the feeling that i'm slowly becoming not me... Why do they need us? Why prolong our deaths? We get glimpses of humanoid figures, the constant dizziness and damage to our eyes makes it hard to make out exactly what... but I believe they are just like us.. controlling the ship.. is this what we are to become? Husks of our former self, adapted, mutated and forever misshapen into this symbiotic lifeform? I had to voice whatever thoughts I had of my own.. I'll be locking this now in the hopes when I am not me, I do not remove it. If anyone does find this - do not approach their ships, do not approach the pink planet and do not under any circumstances let them near reactors. I hear a voice repeating that... > Datapad #7 > Log. The routine of our days has evolved into a strange dance with dread. Wake up, clean, eat, attempt research, sleep... All while the metallic heartbeat of the station echoes around us, a grim reminder of our perilous situation. The Symbiotes continue their onslaught, invisible yet ever-present. Our brave engineers, now distorted figures of purple decay, are horrifying symbols of the enemy we face. Their transformation haunts my dreams and fills my waking hours with dread. I used to enjoy some old... Zombie flicks, I think they called it. This, this all, it eerily reminds me of it. It hurts to see former colleagues lose themselves, and knowing you might be next is the rotten cherry on top. My duties have been augmented from pure research to include... containment. Every day, we set out to purge the spreading infection, torching areas where we find evidence of the Symbiotes' metallic corruption. It's a short-lived victory each time. The Symbiotes are drawn to energy and our effort > Datapad #7.1 > I have, a few days back, gotten a log from Zeta-5. It is voice recorded, but in a creepy, monotonous voice. Until they reach a certain point, which they start to repeat, their voice ever turning shriller. Their desperate words echo in my mind, 'Do not approach their ships, do not approach the pink planet and do not under any circumstances let them near reactors.' It... it is possible. We could be the next. A fate wprse than death. Yesterday I had to burn a close acquaintance... Behind those eyes, there was still a will, human thoughts! As the flames licked around her, our eyes locked for a last time. Those were eyes that had not yet given up hope. And we burned her nontheless. We have no choice. It is in the name of self preservation. We need to persevere, we have no choice. And yet, the victories seem so shortlived... > Datapad #7.2 > Despite the growing fear, we continue our fight. Our mission is not only to survive but to gather as much data as possible for those who may come after us. To whoever finds this log, heed our warnings: Stay clear of the reactors, burn the infected areas, and avoid the pink planet at all costs. We fight not only for ourselves but for all of humanity. This is Researcher Sigma-7 of Facility Omega-3, continuing the battle against the darkness." End Log Entry. ++++ === Logs from a research facility in Sector Alpha === ++++ [expand] | > Log Entry 1: > Date: *Unknown* > Location: Research Facility, Sector Alpha Subject: Symbiotic Lifeforms This log is dedicated to documenting my recent findings regarding the existence of symbiotic lifeforms that have evolved to manifest and shapeshift as humans. It all started with a series of unusual observations and reports from various field agents, which initially piqued my interest in this particular area of research. > Log Entry 2: > Date: *Unknown* > Location: Research Facility, Sector Alpha Subject: Correlation Between Corruption and Symbiotic Lifeforms After conducting extensive analysis of the field reports and collected samples, I have discovered a significant correlation between corruption or infection and the manifestation of these symbiotic lifeforms. It appears that if corruption or infection is left untreated or allowed to progress unchecked, it provides a fertile ground for the symbiotic organisms to take hold and begin their metamorphic process. > Log Entry 3: > Date: *Unknown* > Location: Research Facility, Sector Alpha Subject: Shapeshifting Abilities and Assimilation Further experiments and observations have revealed the astonishing shapeshifting abilities of these symbiotic lifeforms. They possess an innate capability to assume the form of humans, imitating their appearance and behavior with remarkable precision. The assimilation process involves the gradual replacement of the host's tissues and organs, resulting in a seamless transition between the original organism and the symbiotic entity. > Log Entry 4: > Date: *Unknown* > Location: Research Facility, Sector Alpha Subject: Advancement and Adaptability The symbiotic lifeforms have displayed an impressive level of advancement and adaptability throughout my research. They seem to possess a collective intelligence, sharing knowledge and experiences among themselves. Additionally, their ability to shapeshift allows them to blend into human society undetected, making it incredibly difficult to identify their presence. > Log Entry 5: > Date: *Unknown* > Location: Research Facility, Sector Alpha Subject: Risks and Concerns While the discovery of these symbiotic lifeforms opens up exciting possibilities for scientific exploration, it also raises significant concerns. Their inherent nature as corruptive entities poses a threat to human society if left unchecked. If the corruption or infection is allowed to persist for extended periods, the symbiotic lifeforms can overwhelm the host, leading to a complete assimilation and loss of individuality. > Log Entry 6: > Date: *Unknown* > Location: Research Facility, Sector Alpha Subject: Future Research and Containment Moving forward, it is essential to develop effective strategies for both containment and potential symbiotic lifeform eradication. Understanding their lifecycle, vulnerabilities, and modes of transmission will be crucial in devising countermeasures. Collaboration with bioengineers, geneticists, and experts in related fields will be necessary to develop innovative solutions to this emerging threat. > Log Entry 7: > Date: *Unknown* > Location: Research Facility, Sector Alpha Subject: Conclusion In conclusion, the discovery of symbiotic lifeforms capable of manifesting and shapeshifting as humans represents a significant breakthrough in our understanding of biological evolution and parasitic relationships. However, the potential risks associated with their corruptive nature necessitate further research, vigilance, and the development of comprehensive protocols for detection, containment, and eradication. ++++ ===== Season 4 ===== ==== Mikhail "Miki" Chebyshev, the maker of the Federation ships ==== ++++ [expand]| Mikhail "Miki" Chebyshev was a man of unyielding determination, born and raised in a distance and unknown system. His life took an unexpected turn when he became the Vice-Admiral in the renowned Sun Fleet, the formidable military force that would later on become part of the Solar Republic. His journey through as one of the leaders of the Sun Fleet was marked by countless battles, daring missions, and acts of valor. He became known as a brilliant tactician and a fearless commander, leading his fellow soldiers through the perils of stellar conflict. However, the toll of endless warfare began to weigh heavily on Miki's conscience after they merged into the Solar Republic. He had seen the devastating consequences of war, witnessed entire planets reduced to ashes thanks to the Symbiotes, and countless lives extinguished in the name of conquest. The toll on his soul became unbearable, and Miki longed for a way to change the course of his life. With unwavering determination, Miki withdrew from the Sun Fleet and dedicated himself to understanding and reimagining the spacecraft designs he had worked on for so many years. His brilliance as an engineer and his combat experience allowed him to create vessels that were not only technologically advanced but also exceptionally efficient and versatile. These ships represented a fusion of his military expertise and his newfound commitment to peace. Miki's extraordinary designs did not go unnoticed. The Four Pillar Federation, a galactic alliance dedicated to exploration, diplomacy, and the preservation of knowledge, reached out to him. They were eager to incorporate his innovative schematics into their fleet, recognizing the potential for these ships to reshape the future of the galaxy. Reluctantly, Miki agreed to share his designs with the Four Pillar Federation. He saw it as a way to redeem himself, to contribute to a cause that aimed to ensure peace and prosperity for all civilizations in the galaxy. However, he never sought fame or recognition, and he despised the attention that came with it. Despite his wishes, Miki's fame grew exponentially as his starships designs became the backbone of the Four Pillar Federation's fleet. His vessels were renowned for their speed, resilience, and adaptability, and they played pivotal roles in diplomacy and defense throughout the galaxy. Miki's name became synonymous with progress, and his legacy was celebrated by countless species. Throughout his life, Miki remained a humble recluse, finding solace in the solitude of his workshop and the company of the stars. To this day, his ships are still used by most factions of the Four Pillar Federation, a testament to the enduring impact of a man who had once walked the path of a warrior but had chosen a different destiny—one of innovation and redemption. ++++ ==== Heroes who sacrificed their lives to end The One ==== ++++ [expand]| In the annals of galactic history, mankind and others still know by heart the story and names of the heroes of ATK-07, taught in school, whose valorous sacrifice marked a turning point in defeating the Symbiotes once and for all: * Heather White * Dante Bradley * H83 aka Hamburger * Provost Marshal Gwydian Nightingale * Director General Brody * Admiral Jack Cinder * Field Marshal Mik * Royal Fleet Admiral, Westwood * Nightwing * Billy Hill * RipLast * Rexkraft * Kara "Starbuck" Thrace * Arkady Orlunda * BKT Leader Glen * Paradox * Former SOLREP Admiral Varkh They stood at the precipice, abandoned by all, facing the malevolent adversary, The One, letting others escape the wrath of the Symbiotes. With unwavering resolve, they willfully gave their lives and souls for the cause, their unwavering heroism the last bastion of hope in a galaxy shrouded in darkness. In the wake of their last sacrifice, a collective sigh of relief swept through the cosmos. The One, once a dreaded menace, was finally vanquished, its malevolent influence extinguished. The heroes of ATK-07, some of the bravest souls, gave their lives for the survival of everyone. They stood as guardians of our future, their sacrifices etching a story of courage and unity. Their legacy lives on, a testament to the indomitable spirit of those who dare to confront the greatest of challenges, for it is they who remind the galaxy that in the face of darkness, heroism and unity can prevail. To this day, it is very common to refer to these people when it comes to bravery or selflessness. ++++ ==== Last speeches of the heroes ==== === Heather White === ++++ [expand]| You... At times, you held a dear place in my heart. When I experimented with you, it almost seemed like we were not that different... You had me wanting to live in harmony. You made me betray my loved ones, yet I was not alone... The 5th assault legion made a great example, but there were many others. All because I thought I had a good cause. I thought you were able to accept peace if we dealt with those who wanted you dead. And then, you decided to break down anything we had built up. You made it clear to everyone that you wanted to be all that remained. So I vowed to end you. It seems soon, I will finally get the chance. I'm not sure if you're capable of understanding what I say anymore. Do you remember the story I told you? I am bound by blood to pay off debts, but these shackles affect more than just myself. I've longed to rid of them for a long time now, for my daughter does not deserve her wrists bound the way I do... And now, I can kill two birds with one stone. I can end you, and at the same time I can ensure that these binds no longer exist. For this opportunity, I thank you. Perhaps you truly were too weak, or perhaps you wished to show some compassion. It matters not. Your end is nigh, as is mine. But she will roam free. It will hurt her, but it's what's best. I just hope she'll understand, one day... - Heather White, High Priestess of the Order of Perpetual Curators ++++ === Dante Bradley === ++++ [expand]| We at ASW are grateful to have been able to sacrifice for the safety and security of the galaxy, we're also grateful it was quick. ++++ === H83 aka "Hamburger" === ++++ [expand]| When does a mechanical being gain a soul? What separates an AI from a simple program? Does one gain a soul overtime? Or does it suddenly manifest? These are questions that Ive ponders since I gained my own free will I finally have my answers to them. One gains a soul when they have a will, not driven by programming alone, but by real emotions. It can happen slowly, or suddenly. A will to do something, a will to survive, a will to do what they want. That is when one truly becomes sentient. ++++ === Nightwing === ++++ [expand]| It's now time for a new age to rise. ++++ === Billy Hill === ++++ [expand]| Final transmission from Billy Hill to @Havish I have made the decision to sacrifice myself for the sake of the future of our people. As Captain of the X22 it is my duty by code sworn before our arrival. You know us. You know the Founder. All that have been taken from us will be retaken, by us the crew of the X22 and our friends in the Company. So is the will. Glory to Mars. Prosperity to Pertam. Over and out. ++++ === Kara "Starbuck" Thrace === ++++ [expand]| To all those that didn't make it. To those whose end came in Serplexia, Arcturus, Avalon. Those who perished in combat & corruption; Grand Admiral Argie and the 5th Legion. To those who died in betrayal; To Zapp. The Oracle's vision be done. It's been good hunting with you. ++++ === Arkady Orlunda === ++++ [expand]| A ceremony to the sisyphean sombre of our success. For what did we expect? At the end of all memory -a mass of our light, to quell but the point of dark. And upon the call of those whose flame did not make it, united we are with them. I heard cold reaper strikes hardest, and yet a pink one we may now worry not. ++++ === BKT Leader Glen === ++++ [expand]| Final Log. If you see this, my life is over. I will not make excuses and ask for forgiveness for the actions taken by BKT. We made drastic and deliberate choices to maintain our factions notoriety and power. However we do understand these decisions led to unfortunate deaths and unfortunate situations. If you are reading this, the BKT leadership has chosen to redeem even a shred of retribution and sacrifice ourselves to eliminate the true enemy. This is our solemn attempt at perhaps BKT won't be remembered with such terms as... piracy and war, but instead courage and remorse. BKT Salutes you all. Safe Travels. ++++ === Paradox === ++++ [expand]| They say all great people are forged in fire. It is the privilege of us lesser people to light these flames of greatness for all the universe. Regardless of the cost. Good luck to all. Be great. ++++ === Provost Marshal Gwydian Nightingale === ++++ [expand]| [[https://discord.com/channels/998026253246414938/1167935215285571695/1167937977058590801| Discord Message Link]] [[https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1167935215285571695/1167937976827924591/GwydiansLastSpeech.mp4?ex=66978ec0&is=66963d40&hm=05d6c7137b7ed596764b4b060ea39983d8b2054422ae6a18c57404ddd4d57028&|Download-Link (Will download an mp4 file)]] ++++ === Director General Brody === ++++ [expand]| Ah, well, I suppose it has come to this. ++++ === Admiral Jack Cinder === ++++ [expand]| Last one out get the lights. ++++ === Zimmer House === ++++ [expand]| I have never been a doctor. Despite the common misconception, I did not pursue a medical career nor obtain a medical degree. My professional background lies in a different field altogether. Throughout my life, I have focused my efforts and expertise in areas unrelated to medicine. While I respect and admire the dedication and skill required to be a doctor, it is important to clarify that I have never held that title or practiced medicine in any capacity. ++++ ==== Civil War - Events on the Colony Ship Sunnyhome ==== ++++ [expand]| Before the colony ship, the Sunnyhome, was split in half, it had embarked on a monumental journey to establish a colony in a distant and uninhabited system, far removed from Earth and any other settled regions of space. This venture was seen as a new beginning for humanity, filled with both boundless possibilities and uncertainties. As the colony ship and the accompanying vessels traversed the vast expanse of space, disaster struck. The Four Pillar Federation, a consortium of factions that had held sway over much of the galaxy, collapsed into internal strife. Amidst the chaos and factional strife on the colony ship, the figure known as Quartz emerged as a shadowy and enigmatic character who was responsible for a significant portion of the unrest. Quartz was a master manipulator and a cunning strategist, with a shrewd ability to exploit the divisions within the ship's inhabitants, yet very few people actually know their real identity. Quartz was a charismatic and persuasive leader who had initially been a member of the Four Pillar Federation but defected to pursue his own vision of power and control. He was driven by a deep-seated ambition to establish a new order within the colony ship, one that would be entirely under his dominion. Quartz used a distinctive strategy for sowing discord and chaos among the factions: * **Divide and Conquer:** He recognized the existing fault lines within the ship's population, exploiting differences in ideology, resources, and territory. Quartz played factions against one another, deliberately exacerbating tensions to create a perpetual state of conflict. By keeping the factions focused on internal strife, they remained distracted from any potential threats to his leadership. * **Propaganda and Manipulation:** Quartz was a skilled propagandist who used his oratory talents and technological savvy to spread false information, incite paranoia, and manipulate the opinions of the colonists. He played on people's fears and desires, using psychological tactics to gain followers and weaken opposition. * **Assassinations and Espionage:** Quartz had a network of loyal operatives who engaged in covert activities, including assassinations, sabotage, and espionage. These actions further destabilized the colony ship by eliminating potential threats to his rule and gathering valuable intelligence. * Resource Control: Quartz's faction, known as the "Crystal Dominion," seized control of key resources, such as food supplies, advanced technology, and strategic locations. This allowed him to exert influence over other factions and ensure their dependence on his faction's resources, solidifying his grip on power. Quartz's pursuit of power was driven by a desire for absolute control, and he saw the civil war within the colony ship as an opportunity to establish his rule. Many colonists came to fear him as the primary architect of the unrest that had torn their once-unified community apart. His presence loomed large over the battles and struggles within the ship, casting a long shadow of manipulation and deception that added to the turmoil and uncertainty faced by the inhabitants of the Sunnyhome. As the civil war erupted within the confines of the colony ship, the Sunnyhome, various factions clashed in specific areas, turning once-functional parts of the ship into battlegrounds. * **The Bridge Conflict:** The control room of the Sunnyhome became a focal point for the struggle. The faction known as the "Crystal Dominion", Quartz former faction, fought fiercely to gain control over the ship's navigation systems and the crucial jump drive. They were met with resistance from multiple factions seeking to break free from their control. But against all odds, Quartz managed to gain and keep control over this area of the colony ship. * **Life Support and Hydroponics:** In the heart of the ship, several factions tried to preserve the life support and hydroponic systems that sustained the ship's inhabitants. They aimed to ensure the well-being of the colonists. Opposing them were the "Revolutionary Front," a militant faction that saw control of these systems as a means to dominate the ship's resources and dictate terms to others. Fierce battles broke out in these vital areas, endangering the very survival of the ship's population. In the end, the Revolutionary Front failed and were wiped out by the other colonists. * **Residential Quarters:** The once peaceful residential quarters, made of modules meant for colonization, turned into war zones as multiple factions staked claims to various sections. Some factions sought to maintain a sense of normalcy for the colonists, while the "Iron Fist Alliance" was determined to seize the residential quarters to establish a power base and control over the population. Rooms once occupied by families became battlegrounds, filled with tension, violence, and shifting loyalties. Many civilians died in these parts of the ship, before the factions brought peace once again to the Quarters. This is one of the parts of the ship that landed on the planet. * **Engineering Bay:** The engineering section of the ship was fiercely contested by several factions of engineers and scientists who aimed to restore the jump drive and get the colony ship back on course. They were opposed by the "Militant Technocracy," a group that believed control of the ship's technology was the key to dominance. This battle for engineering control had far-reaching consequences for the ship's fate. The civil war within the colony ship became a chaotic and brutal struggle for power and control. The ship's once-unified population now divided, each group with its own vision for the ship's future. The violence and instability that engulfed the Sunnyhome threatened to tear apart the dream of a new beginning in the uncharted territory of the Avalon system, casting a long shadow over the uncertain journey that lay ahead ... Before the Quantum Leap Drive failed, and the Colony Ship split in half. The Crystal Dominion, the Iron Fist Alliance, the Militant Technocracy and lots of other factions would later on merge to become what is now known as the **Voidborne Syndicate.** The bridge and engineering bay would be part of their territory, while the rest stayed in the hands of the other factions, which are collectively known as **The Stranded**. ++++ ==== Hyperspans - Communication and travel between systems ==== ++++ [expand]| Hyperspans refer to interstellar pathways that facilitate travel between star systems in a way that significantly reduces transit times from what would otherwise be years or decades into mere months or weeks. Hyperspans are akin to "highways" in space, enabling faster interstellar travel by providing a form of navigable route or passage. They allow ships with jump drives to travel between systems more quickly than if they were moving through ordinary space. Ships traveling using a hyperspan are still traveling in our dimension. They aren't, however, something tangible or even visible without specific radars. These hyperspans are permanent in nature, but they are tricky to find. The Quantum Leap Drive (QLD) used by the Colony Ship Sunnyhome on their destination through the stars that led the stranded in the Avalon system is capable of using these hyperspans by manipulating them with advanced technology. This capability is useful for interstellar travel but also for long-range communication as well. In the Avalon system, the hyperspans exhibit unusual properties. For example, one hyperspan created by a colony ship's failure was left open, becoming a one-way conduit akin to a strong current that can potentially damage ships. However, this hyperspan is not visible from inside the Avalon system, and new ships and factions seem to appear from time to time, as if sent to Avalon the same way the Colony Ship was - by an engine failure or malfunction. This instability or one-way characteristic makes hyperspans in Avalon different from those in other systems. Because the Avalon system lacks conventional hyperspans, or has hyperspans that defy normal understanding, it complicates communication and travel. Overall, hyperspans are essential for fast and efficient interstellar travel, but their unpredictable or unstable nature in Avalon presents a unique challenge to anyone wanting to leave or contact the outside. ++++ ===== Season 5 =====