Server Limits
Block Limits
Our server has unfortunately had to impose some limits on the maximum number of specific blocks, either per player, per grid or per faction. You will find below these limits.
Block Tools
- Drills: 10 - 2x Increased Radius - per grid
- Welders: 15 - Upgraded MNRI Block Available - per grid
- Grinders: 20 - per grid
- Build and Repairs: 2 - per player
SubGrids Blocks
- Hinges: 10 - per player
- Pistons: 10 - per player
- Rotors/Advanced Rotors: 10 - per player
- Programmable Blocks: 4 per player
- Radar: 1 per player - 3 Per Faction
- Jump Inhibitors: 3 - 3 Per Faction
- Warheads: - 100 Per Faction
- Automatons blocks: 2 Small Grid drones are permitted per player.
A grid that can navigate without being directly controlled by a player is considered a 'drone'.
RDAV missiles are not considered drones.
Limited use of event controllers for non-drone purposes are permitted on other grids.
Grid Limits
Industrial Blocks
Production Blocks(Refineries&Assemblers Combined): 20
H2/O2 Generators: 14 - 3x Increased Efficiency
Solar panels: 100
Player Limits
Refinieries: 12
Assemblers: 12
H2/O2 Generators: 7 - 3x Increased Efficiency
PCU Limit Per Grid: 65000
Warheads: 50 Per Grid
Points per weapon
[Small grid]
- Missile (single use): 2
- Missile (Reloadable): 3
- Gatling: 4
- Auto: 5
- Assault: 6
- Railgun: 4
- Missile: 2
- Gatling: 5
- Auto: 6
- Assault: 5
Small Grids must NOT have large grid weapons attached.
[Large grid]
- Missile: 5
- Artillery: 8
- Railgun: 8
- Interior: 1
- Gatling: 5
- PDCs: 5
- Missile: 4
- Assault: 7
- Artillery: 16
- VXM Missile System: 14
- Torpedo Turret: 32
Tier limits
[Small grid]
Tier 1: Small Grid [Max 15] - 0>250 blocks, 35 Points
Tier 2: Small Grid [Max 10] - 251>500 blocks, 50 Points
Tier 3: Small Grid [Max 8] - 501>1000 blocks, 70 Points
Tier 4: Small Grid [Max 5] - 1001>1500 blocks, 90 Points
[Large grid]
Tier 1: Large Grid [Max 10] - sub 1,250 Blocks, 85 Points
Tier 2: Large Grid [Max 8] - 1,251 to 2,000 Blocks, 120 Points
Tier 3: Large Grid [Max 6] - 2,001 to 3,000 Blocks, 160 Points
Tier 4: Large Grid [Max 2] - 3,001 to 6,000 Blocks, 250 Points
Standard Base: 500 Points, 15000 blocks max - No Gyros Allowed. Stations are defined by no gyroscope usage.
FOB: 700 points - (1 per faction) - No Gyros Allowed. Stations are defined by no gyroscope usage.
Jumpable Stations: Up to 10000 blocks - No Gyros Allowed. Stations are defined by no gyroscope usage.
Station Points includes surrounding defensive grids. This is to stop spamming of defensive installations.
[Additional Notes]
- Ship Limitations are per faction, not per player.